Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dreams on Wheels

When we retrace our footsteps down memory lane, flashes of us as children zooming down the lane on our bikes seem to be the dominant picture. The feeling of wind rushing straight through our hair, the speed, sense of control and independence is a necessary relationship with children and their bicycles.

Benefits of cycling

Bikes Beach Cruiser

Cycling encouraged in children from an early age, does prove to be beneficial both physically and aesthetically. In the world of X-Box and Play middle point 3, a youngster who cherishes his evening ride with friends is to be commended. Where french fries and burgers consist of a large part of children's diet these days, cycling nothing else but helps in shedding those extra calories. It not only keeps the body fit but also helps in relaxing and soothing the mind.

Dreams on Wheels

Choosing a bike for your child

With a plethora of brands and varieties of bikes available in the market, choosing the right bike for your child might seem a Herculean task.

A few points to help you make the right option follow:

1.Make sure you keep your child's height and body buildings in mind. A size too large may prove to be difficult for him to maneuver. Similarly your child's relieve should not be compromised with in case of a smaller bike. If your child is a learner, getting him trainers attached to the bike is a good idea.

2.Price and ability of your purchase is something you must determine upon and stick with. Remember, a high price does not all the time ensure the best quality.

3.Safety of your young rider is of utmost importance. Invest your money on a product that will Invest the safety of your child. A helmet is an accessory you cannot do without. It is also advisable to pick the right gear like padded knee and elbow guards and accepted footwear.

4.If your youngster plans to ride to school you can also added accessorize his dream engine with an intriguing rear bike rack or bike basket. Give it personal touches of his beloved color or fictional character, etc.

Be it a toddler on his tricycle or a rebellious teen trying to push his limits, the bike was all the time a prized possession. At some point or the other, bikes do become an necessary part of a child's life, just like a doll, an airplane, toy soldiers and tea sets. So don't you think it's unfair to deny your child an feel he will remember lifelong?

Dreams on Wheels